» Project Implementation » Tank Tanks for transport of liquefied petroleum company
Tank Tanks for transport of liquefied petroleum company
Compressors used reciprocating piston-driven crank. It can be fixed or portable, can be used individually or in combination.
They can be controlled by electric motors or internal combustion engines . Compressors use reciprocating piston type with a capacity of 5-30 small horsepower is often used in automated assembly and in both the non- continuous motion .
Air compressor reciprocating
Compressors used reciprocating piston -driven crank . It can be fixed or portable , can be used individually or in combination . They can be controlled by electric motors or internal combustion engines .
Compressors use reciprocating piston type with a capacity of 5-30 small horsepower is often used in automated assembly and in both the non- continuous motion .
The large air compressor can power up to 1000 hp used in the assembly of large industrial sector , but they are often not widely used because it can replace the compressor using the motion full of gears and screw with cheaper price . Pressure output level ranges from low to very high ( > 5000 psi or 35 MPa ) .
Compressors convection
Convection air compressor system used in rotor blades to compress air flow . Rotor stator is fixed to the bottom of each rotor pushes air flow directly into the system 's rotor blades next . Region of road space decreasing air through the compressor to increase compression . Air Compressor Compressor method to save commonly used when high flow motion such as in the large turbine engine . Most of them are using multiple machines in a production line . Where the ratio of 4:1 under pressure , to increase the efficiency of the operation it is often used in the geometrical adjustment .
Centrifugal Compressors
Centrifugal Compressors used rotate the disc rotor or impeller to force air into the edge of the impeller products increases the speed of the gas . Diffuse parts of the machine will convert the energy into pressure speed . Centrifugal air compressors are often used in heavy industry and in the work environment continuously . They are usually mounted . Their capacity can range from hundreds to thousands of horsepower . With many systems work including centrifugal compressors , we can increase the output pressure than 10000 lbf / in ² ( 69 MPa ) .
Many artificial snowmaking systems use this type of compressor . We can use the internal combustion engine , the loader or turbine engines . Centrifugal air compressors are used in a turbine engine or small gas compressors like the last floor of the gas turbine engine medium .
Mixed flow Compressors
Air compressors compress the mixture flow is also similar to centrifugal compressors , but the velocity at exit from the rotor symmetry . Diffusers are often used to turn the mixture into a gas stream convection airflow . Pneumatic Compressors mixed flow diffuser has a smaller diameter of the centrifugal compressor equivalent .
Compressors rolls
Air compressor coils , similar to a rotary device uses worm gear , it includes 2 inserts leaf roll spiraling to compressed air . Air pressure out of it by the unstable air compressor screw using conventional wheels so rarely used in industry . It can be used like an automatic loader , and the air-conditioning system .
Air compressor filter
The membrane air compressor used to compress hydrogen and compressed natural gas . Compressors are usually placed above the tank to hold compressed air . Often the compressor is oil free or oil are widely used for oil will penetrate into the gas stream . But in the case of air compressors for divers , the first number is the smallest oil though unacceptable .